Science & Research
Endowed professorship for forest genetics
Forests also have to adapt to the global climate change. In order to be able to assess and monitor these adaptations, forest sciences need genetic skills. However, there is a lack of expertise in forest genetics at German universities. The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation has therefore decided to create a professorship for forest genetics at the University of Freiburg. The main research topics will be the adaptation of forests to global change and the protection of genetic diversity.
In order to preserve and develop species-rich, mixed and adaptable forests for the future, basic genetic research is required to identify species, origins and individuals that are adaptable to the climate of the future. In addition, they should be as resistant as possible to new, pathogenic influences.
Genetic diversity is a fundamental element of biodiversity. Conservation and sustainable use are part of international agreements. However, information on genetic resources is very poor, so that they can hardly be protected or managed. Therefore, in addition to basic research in evolutionary ecology, there is also a great need for application-oriented research in relation to forest nature conservation and forest genetic resources.
develop species-rich, mixed and
adaptable forests for the future,
basic genetic research is required