Waiblinger forest adventure path renewed

With financial help from the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, the Waiblingen Forestry Office has renovated the forest adventure trail on the Buocher Höhe. It was erected in 2002 – also funded by the foundation at the time.

“When the city asked us, we immediately agreed. After all, the concept of the forest adventure trail convinced us around 20 years ago. We didn't want to allow it to disappear," said Robert Mayr, board member of the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, on the occasion of the official reopening on March 4, 2022.

Mayor Andreas Hesky thanked for the support: "We as the city of Waiblingen are very proud of our city forest. I am pleased that it is close to the hearts of the citizens as a local recreation area and that it is used extensively. The forest adventure trail is an additional attraction and strengthens ecological awareness. The lounger invites you to linger and underlines the local recreational function in our densely populated area.”

The forester of the municipal forest district of Buocher Höhe, Andreas Münz, was in charge of the work. He was very satisfied with the result: "Now our forest adventure trail is impressive again. The information boards are intended to promote understanding of nature and the importance of the forest. Because especially in times of a pandemic, we have seen that people are looking for a forest experience.” Thanks to funding from the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, twelve information boards in the Waiblingen city forest that had been weathered were replaced. Visitors to the city forest will find information about flora and fauna in the forest there. A wooden double lounger and an insect hotel were also installed.


Press release photographs
Münz, Hesky and Mayr in front of the new insect hotel.
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The forester of the municipal forest district Buocher Höhe, Andreas Münz, shows the new insect hotel to the mayor Andreas Hesky and Robert Mayr from the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation.
(c) Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation
49 / 5.000 Übersetzungsergebnisse Robert Mayr looks at one of the new information boards.
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The new information boards on the Waiblingen forest adventure trail provide information about flora and fauna in the forest.
(c) Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation