KabO festival: culture in special places

The model project "Culture in Special Places" (KabO) is organizing an interdisciplinary open-air festival of independent drama, puppet, dance and music theater in the summer of 2021. 25 performances will take place over six weekends at frequented locations with their own infrastructure such as farm shop-cafés, mills, garden centers, courtyards, old people's homes and special educational sites as well as parks. In this way, a new audience with the aim of cultural participation (firstly in a culturally poor area and secondly for marginalized groups in this area) should be reached.

The idea for the festival came about on the initiative of the Werkstattbühne Stuttgart as a spontaneous gathering of artists from different disciplines in March / April 2020 as a reaction to the first lockdown. The spontaneous network of artists from the fields of drama, dance and puppet theater, performance and music had the goal of jointly finding formats that can take place under the rules of the Corona measures. The most important target group are children, as they are most affected by those measures. However, the makers think beyond Corona: The festival should take place annually and after Covid also invite international groups.


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Titelbild KabO
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QR-Code: The link leads to the programme (German only).
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QR-Code: The link leads to the programme (German only).