Klinikum Stuttgart: Stuttgart Cancer Center – Tumor Unit Eva Mayr-Stihl
In 2011, the “Stuttgart Cancer Center (SCC) – Eva Mayr-Stihl Tumor Center” was established. It serves to promote the interdisciplinary exchange of information among specialists to the benefit of more than 11,000 patients annually. “Thanks to the support of the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation we are able to offer every patient optimal care in accordance with the latest scientific findings”, says Prof. Gerald Illerhaus, medical director of SCC.
Much has been achieved in cancer research: The statistics of the German Cancer Information Service show that cancer mortality in Germany has been going down for years. While more than two thirds of all cancer patients succumbed to their illness 20 years ago, more than half can now hope to be permanently cured. The success here can be attributed to the commitment of many scientists and practitioners at universities and hospitals.

„Thanks to the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation we are able to offer each patient the optimal, state-of-the-art care.“
The SCC brings together three essential tasks. On the one hand, it ensures that patients receive interdisciplinary care. This ensures comprehensive care for all patients with cancer. It also helps concentrate expertise of all areas most effectively.
Secondly, it consolidates all the certified units of the onkological center together with all other units, divisions and facilities which are involved in diagnoses and therapies of all carcinoses.
Lastly, the Stuttgart Cancer Center - Tumor Unit Eva Mayr-Stihl also conducts clinical research within the area of cancer medicine and offers a broad spectum of various clinical trials - even on an international level.