Science & Research
German Forest Science Prize
The German Forest Science Award, funded by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, is the most highly endowed forest science award in the German-speaking world, worth 15,000 Euros. Every two years since the year 2000 the four forestry faculties in Germany, together with the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, hadn over the award as part of the bi-annual Forest Science Conference. The prize recognizes younger scientists who have shown outstanding research in the field of forest sciences. In addition to the prize money, the award winner also receives a bronze sculpture 40 centimeter high - the forestry science trophy in the form of a stylized tree.
The award committee consists of Prof. Christian Ammer (University of Göttingen), Prof. Jürgen Bauhus (University of Freiburg), Prof. Karsten Kalbitz (TU Dresden), Prof. Annette Menzel (TU Munich) and Robert Mayr, Founder and Chairperson of the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation. The award is given to younger scientists who have made outstanding achievements in the field of forest sciences. A new feature from 2023 on is the opportunity to receive funding for a research project of up to EUR 35,000 in addition to the personal prize money of EUR 15,000.
“The aim of the German Forest Science Prize is to support outstanding young researchers in their work for the conservation of our woodlands.”

The current laureate Jun.-Prof. Kathrin Blumenstein focuses on the study of pathological fungi in her research. These are spreading more and more due to climate change and are attacking forest and urban trees stressed by drought at an ever-increasing rate. Blumenstein's focus is on strengthening the natural resilience of host trees under changing climatic conditions. Critical parts of her work include exploring the interactions of beneficial and harmful fungi among each other and with their host tree, as well as tracking their dispersal routes. The development of efficient, preventive measures, such as the increased use of biological control measures and other developed diagnostic methods, including at the molecular genetic level, aim to contribute to the containment of such pathogens in the future.
“The German Forest Science Prize signifies great recognition for my research in forest pathology. The prize will motivate me and encourage me to continue pursuing my research with great commitment. At the same time, receiving the award is a wonderful opportunity to bring my field, forest pathology, more into the focus of forest sciences in Germany.”
Overview of Award Winners
2000 Prof. Dr. Jörg Ewald TU Munich
2002 Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel TU Munich
2004 Dr. Martina Mund Göttingen University
2006 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml Freiburg University
2008 Dr. Susanne Iost TU Dresden
2010 Dr. Stefanie Gärtner Freiburg University
2012 Prof. Dr. Dirk Schindler Freiburg University
2014 Prof. Dr. Susanne Jochner-Oette TU Munich
2016 Dr. Doreen Schmiedel TU Dresden
2018 Prof. Dr. Dominik Seidel Göttingen University
2021 PROF Dr. Sebastian Seibold TU Munich
2023 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Blumenstein Freiburg University